Thompson Power Systems: Oxford/Anniston

Address : 2300 Hwy. 21 S., Oxford, AL 36203, USA

Phone Numbers

Service : 256-831-4104
Parts : 256-831-4104
Sales/Rental : 205-782-0952
After Hours : 256-831-4104


Weekday Hours : Mon – Fri: 7:00am to 5:00pm


Sales, Rental, Parts and Service

Oxford-Anniston power solutionsIndustrial Power Equipment Sales, Parts and Service in Oxford-Anniston

Thompson Power Systems is a premier provider of commercial and industrial generator parts, services, sales, and rentals in the Oxford and Anniston, Alabama, regions. We have the new and used generators in stock that you need to keep any operation running smoothly, from power plants to construction sites. Learn more about our mobile generators, temperature controls, portable compressed air, electrical distribution machines and parts today.

New and Used Industrial Generators and Parts in Oxford and Anniston, AL

At Thompson Power Systems of Oxford and Anniston, we stock new and used commercial generators and backup power systems right in your business’s backyard. We carry both diesel and gas-powered generators to help you through any power emergency. In addition to our industrial and commercial stock, we also carry residential generators, such as our new microgrid system that’s powerful enough for your home, business or even the neighborhood.

Aside from our new Cat® industrial generators and parts, we also carry various used generator models that give you classic Cat quality at a price point you can afford. Our team of factory-certified technicians puts each piece of equipment through extensive quality testing to ensure every model’s in perfect working order before we sell it to you. When you choose Thompson Power Systems, you’ll get a powerful used machine without compromising quality, productivity, or efficiency.

Our Oxford and Anniston locations offer the following pieces of new and used equipment:

  • Mobile generator sets
  • Electrical distribution equipment
  • Portable compressed air
  • Temperature controlIndustrial generator solutions in Oxford

Commercial Generators Near Ohatchee, Pell City, and Munford

Industrial backup power systems are essential for all Oxford, AL businesses. Whatever the nature of your operation, an industrial generator can prevent lost productivity and downtime due to inclement weather or electrical grid problems. Our Cat emergency generators come in various configurations that give you the power you need without compromising on efficiency or performance.

Thompson Power Systems carries industrial generators and parts for the following industries:

Power Your Business With Industrial Generators From Thompson Power Systems in Oxford, AL

Contact Thompson Power Systems in Oxford

At Thompson Power Systems, our team of factory-certified technicians and knowledgeable customer service staff are here to find you the generator or parts your operation needs to prevent downtime. With Thompson Power Systems, you can get all of the services you need right in the comfort of your own business’s backyard. Contact our team today for help finding the right industrial generator for your operations.