Thompson Power Systems: Tuscaloosa

Address : 3550 Joe Mallisham Pkwy, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401, USA

Phone Numbers

Service : 205-247-2800
Parts : 205-247-2800
Sales/Rental : 205-782-0952
After Hours : 205-247-2800


Weekday Hours : Mon – Fri: 7:00am to 5:00pm


Sales, Rental, Parts and Service

Tuscaloosa generator services, sales, rentals and parts

Parts, Sales, Rentals, and Dealer Service in Tuscaloosa, Alabama

Do you need power systems you can trust to get the job done? Thompson Power Systems is the official Cat® dealer for Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. We have over 65 years of experience building relationships in our community and providing world-class equipment from Caterpillar.

The Thompson Power Systems team is here to help you find the right power solution for your business scenario. Our trained Cat technicians can service your equipment, and our parts staff can help you find any replacements you might need from our stock or our network of dealership locations.

New and Used Power Systems From Caterpillar

Thompson Power Systems has a selection of commercial generators and emergency power systems for various applications in the Tuscaloosa, Alabama, region. We offer new, next-gen Cat equipment as well as high-quality used machinery.

We offer several types of power systems, including the following:

  • Uninterrupted power supply (UPS)
  • Automatic transfer switch (ATS)
  • Switchgear
  • Diesel and gas generator setsTuscaloosa power systems

Cat® Rental Power Systems

Thompson Power Systems serves the Tuscaloosa, Alabama, region with Cat industrial generators and backup power systems for rent. We offer several mobile generator units with varying outputs to match the power needed for your project.

Several of these power sources include:

Practical Applications for Power Solutions

Thompson Power Supplies has solutions for continuous, standby, and temporary power needs with the renowned dependability of Cat equipment.

These power solutions can light up your job site with electricity or provide a safety net for emergency situations like a hurricane. Power generators can help a wide range of industries. Mobile generators can help construction sites power machinery like portable lighting on remote job sites at night. In the medical field, generators can provide backup power to protect critical machines like life support.

Providing Solutions for Businesses in Northport, Holt, Cottondale and Beyond

Contact Thompson Power Systems in Tuscaloosa

Thompson Power Systems brings portable and reliable electric power to businesses throughout Tuscaloosa. We focus on one-on-one customer service to help you find thr right solutions and implement them.

Ready to get started? Connect with our team online today.