The Importance of an Emergency Power Generator in the Summer

The summer months are a popular time for many businesses, but along with warm, sunny days often come sudden and severe summer storms. Summer storms are characterized by lightning, thunder, and inches of rain that can damage utility power lines, causing extended power outages. These blackouts can threaten business continuity and impact employee productivity, putting your business behind its competitors.

An emergency power generator can step in during unforeseen power outages and instantaneously restore service to keep business operations running. Even when the grid goes down, you can continue to meet your customers’ and clients’ needs as expected. Learn the main benefits of commercial backup generators for companies below.

1. Support Business Continuity

Backup generators assist when your main power source shuts off due to bad weather, restoring or maintaining normal power. Automatic standby generators turn on immediately after your regular power grid is disrupted to ensure your business doesn’t miss a beat. They allow the continuity of everyday business operations by keeping the lights on, air conditioning systems running, and digital point-of-sale systems functional.

Emergency generators for the summer can benefit commercial businesses in various industries. Keeping the power on is a must for businesses that rely on electronic devices and machines like cash registers, phone systems, and electrical machinery, such as airports, restaurants, shopping malls, offices, hospitals, and factories. Standby power can also facilitate workflows for production lines and machinery in manufacturing plants and allow the continuity of business activities like customer support.

Additionally, investing in a portable generator allows you to maintain business continuity across all of your locations. If you anticipate severe weather in one area at a specific time, you can easily tow the generator to that location to provide a fully integrated power system across your offices, warehouses, or stores.

2. Maintain Productivity and Efficiency

Power losses cause significant business productivity and efficiency losses as you wait for the grid to start running again. You can avoid these losses by investing in a storm standby generator. Generators supply ample electrical power during an outage to ensure systems continue functioning as intended. For instance, connecting your building’s heating and cooling systems to your generators ensures you maintain optimal temperatures on the business premises, maintaining the comfort of workers and customers.

A storm standby generator in a manufacturing facility ensures production doesn’t have to stop, so you won’t be forced to miss deadlines or disappoint clients. Maintaining uninterrupted workflow during a summer storm sets you apart from competitors and improves business success. You can meet your business’s daily demands to maintain a positive brand image and protect revenue streams.

3. Ensure Safety and Security

Safety is a crucial issue for businesses, and electricity is required to power your property’s security cameras. Even a few minutes without power may leave your business susceptible to external or internal malicious attacks. Investing in a commercial backup generator for the summer ensures your safety and security systems — including security lights and alarms — remain functional even when your main power source is unavailable.

Not having power compromises the security of digital security systems, making them more susceptible to vandalism and unauthorized access. Poor lighting during blackouts or brownouts also increases the risk of occupational injuries caused by slips, falls, and other accidents. Maintaining power helps you avoid all of these situations while keeping phone lines and other helpful emergency response technologies available during severe weather.

Generators also enable the continuous operation of fire safety systems during power interruptions. Automatic emergency generators in health care facilities can enhance the safety of patients and staff by installing standby generators that power lighting systems and vital lifesaving equipment, like ventilators and incubators. Additionally, backup generators in hospitals ensure these facilities can attend to patients needing urgent medical attention, even when the main power source is out.

4. Secure Company Resources

Unexpected power losses strain company resources such as computers and other industrial machines, causing losses in essential customer information and historical manufacturing data. Standby generators provide a seamless transit to backup power that prevents data losses and other impeding operational losses.

This equipment also minimizes voltage fluctuations resulting from sudden power jolts, which can damage a company’s electronic devices and appliances, including freezers, refrigerators, computers, manufacturing equipment, and other appliances.

Backup power also prevents the loss of business merchandise in restaurants and grocery stores, where extended blackouts lead to the spoiling of food and beverages stored in freezers and refrigerators. Further, educational institutions need backup generators to prevent compromising class schedules and creating inhospitable learning environments.

5. Maintain Business Reputation and Reliability

Client-facing businesses experience a negative impact on their reputation when they’re unable to continue serving their customers due to power outages. A power backup solution ensures you maintain the trust and loyalty of your clients by communicating your reliability and dependability to them. Offering substandard service or power quality products because of power outages may decrease customer satisfaction and loyalty.

A backup generator with an automatic switch ensures your business stays operational without any extra work on your end, keeping your everyday processes running as usual. There’s no need for anyone to manually operate the weather amid the rain — the generator will switch on as soon as the main power source goes down. As a result, customers and clients can still rely on you to get the job done, even when the grid is down.

Consult Thompson Power Systems for Efficient Emergency Power Generators

All businesses need emergency backup generators to help them survive the summer storm season. Emergency power solutions also help ensure safety and security and maintain your business reputation and reliability. While high-quality standby generators require an, they boast long-term operational cost savings — and you can even rent or purchase a used generator to benefit your business further.

Thompson Power Systems is a reliable provider of electric power generation systems, including diesel-poweredgas-powered, and mobile generators, for commercial businesses across Alabama and northern Florida. We’re here to provide emergency rental equipment to help your business continue to stay operational, even during power outages caused by severe summer weather.

Browse our wide selection of commercial backup generators for companies to discover the Cat® power system that works best for your property and power requirements. You can also visit one of our locations to speak with a representative in person.

Ready to get started with a new, used, or rental generator? Request a quote for the most suitable solution for your business. You can also contact us if you have questions or need more information about emergency and backup power systems.

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