Thompson Power Systems: Thomasville

Address : 2501 Joe Davis Industrial Blvd, Thomasville, AL 36784, USA

Phone Numbers

Service : 334-636-0420
Parts : 334-636-0420
Sales/Rental : 205-782-0952
After Hours : 334-636-0420


Weekday Hours : Mon – Fri: 7:00am to 5:00pm


Sales, Rental, Parts and Service

Thomasville generator sales parts and rentals

Parts, Sales, Rentals, and Dealer Service in Thomasville, Alabama

Do you need a reliable power systems equipment provider? Thompson Power Systems has been serving the local community with industrial generator solutions from Caterpillar for over 65 years.

The Thompson Power Systems team is here to help you find a solution from one of the world’s leading equipment manufacturers with personalized customer service. We also offer repair services from trained technicians.

The knowledgeable parts experts at Thompson can assist with finding any replacement parts you might need or search our network of dealership locations for your parts solution.

Cat® Power Systems Near Dixon Mills, Fulton and Pine Hill

Thompson Power Systems has a wide selection of commercial generators and backup power systems to meet the needs of Thomasville, Alabama, businesses. We offer new, cutting-edge equipment from Caterpillar as well as a selection of used machinery.

Our new power system options include the following:

  • Diesel and gas generator sets
  • Switchgear
  • Uninterrupted power supply (UPS)
  • Automatic transfer switch (ATS)

Thompson Power Systems used machinery comes with a certified inspection to ensure the highest quality.

Thomasville power systems solutions

Rental Power Systems

Need an industrial generator or emergency power system in Thomasville, Alabama? We offer a wide variety of mobile units with different output capacities and sizes.

We provide several types of power system rentals:

Practical Applications for Power Solutions

Thompson Power Systems supplies local businesses with continuous, standby, and temporary equipment from Caterpillar. Our solutions can help you power your job site on the go or keep power running during a catastrophe like a hurricane.

A power system can benefit most industries. When patients need life-saving care, a UPS system can provide backup power. When a construction project spans multiple remote sites, a mobile generator can keep power flowing.

Partner Your Thomasville Business With Thompson Power Systems Today

Contact Thompson Power Systems in Thomasville

Thompson Power Systems brings safe, durable power solutions to your community with the legendary reliability of Cat® equipment. We offer competitive pricing and one-on-one customer service with expert service technicians and consultants.

Ready to find your solution? Reach out online to get connected with our service team today.